Jurnal Ilmiah Keuangan Akuntansi Bisnis
Jurnal Ilmiah Keuangan Akuntansi Bisnis (JIKAB) merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan tulisan Ilmiah yang dijadikan sumber informasi dan komunikasi bagi akademisi, pemerhati ilmu pengetahuan, pengembangan ilmu akuntansi, praktik akuntansi, dan profesi akuntansi. Lingkup topik Kajian meliputi (1) Akuntansi Keuangan, (2) Akuntansi Sektor Publik, (3) Akuntansi Manajemen, (5) Akuntansi dan Manajemen Keuangan Syariah, (6) Auditing, (7) Corporate Governance, (8) Pendidikan Akuntansi, (9) Perpajakan, (10) Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, (11) Sustainability Reporting, (12) Green Accounting, dan (13) Lingkup Bisnis Secara Luas. Jurnal Ilmiah Keuangan Akuntansi Bisnis (JIKAB) menerima naskah penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian kualitatif, penelitian metode campuran (mix method) , dan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris.
Comunitario: Journal of Community Service
Broadly speaking, the word comunitario in Spanish means community. Comunitario: Journal of Community Service is a journal that contains the publication of the results of community service activities, models or concepts, and or their implementation in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment, or implementation of community service. This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas as well as research results that have been achieved in the field of community service. Penamas specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of knowledge in the field of community service, including education and socio-economics; Education for Sustainable Development; Community Service, Food Security; Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Student community or community services; As well as other services. Journal articles can be written in English or Indonesian.